
how to build a sandcastle

how to build a sandcastle

This video represents an ongoing project in which the artist attempts to escape the realities of adulthood by performing tasks she enjoyed as a child.

In relating this piece to “memory of play “ (displayed on this site), this performative video piece is representative of the nostalgia the artist feels as she remembers the simpler times of childhood.

The steps to building a sandcastle are similar in many ways to the cyclical nature of life. We lay a foundation consisting of our values, plans, hopes, and dreams. We build up our perimeter defenses in the process of trying to achieve the the ideas of our foundation. Inevitably an unexplainable force of change destroys out plans causing us to rebuild again.

how to build a sandcastle

sand, wood panel, water

filmed with Macbook Pro, iPhone 7, edited with iMovie

All original audio

December 2020